Monday, December 27, 2010

A blog dedicated to G, entitled a blog dedicated to G.

Merry belated christmas and a happy boxing day (:

I am writing this on my iPod again so hellllloooooooo!

Today, G and I went shopping. I bought shorts and stuff for family. G bought a $200 dollar leather jacket. G is a high roller. His jacket is also very hot. So hot that a billion suns would melt at the sight of it causing huge tsunamis to attack the coasts of Africa. That doesn't even make any logical sense but to keep it in the spirit of Christmas, anything is possible.

Later on we attacked people and boxed them all to death.
On the wii.

G is also twe-lve*. Which makes him a ped....ESTRIAN! So watch out people! if you see pedestrians on the roadside, don't run them over. Don't speed up pretending as if you're attempting to run them over too. That's just sick, man. No, no. Slow down and give those friendly pedestrians a ride! Sometimes candy or strange looking sweets will do the trick! Who knows, YOU MIGHT BE LUCKY AND OUT OF THOSE MILLIONS OF PEDESTRIANS YOU WILL ENCOUNTER, YOU'D MEET G!

Other interesting facts that you probably do or do not want to know about this G person whom is quite the legend-wait for it- .... include:
- he has hair
- facial hair to be precise
- facial hair includes a moustache and a beard
- his hair is black but did once have the elements of blonde in it. THE ELEMENT OF SURPRISE!
- sometimes when he's not looking, I take pictures of him and upload them to peer to peer file sharing networks. But he's always looking, so that has not actually happened... Yet.
- he has a lot of stalkers and over 1000 friends on facebook. ADD HIM AND HE'LL BE YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND
- he likes stuff

G also has a victory dance. It is quite a victorious looking dance too. And if you just so happen to catch a glimpse while he's on his tyrannic run of success, tears can be spotted in his eyes. Only they're not tears people; they're nodes of triumph.

I hope one day the universe can learn from the ways of this G dancing victorious beast of a man and that we too, will be just as awesome as he is.
And his moustache and beard.

You're awesome and I love you très mucho grazzzias, retard (:

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