Friday, January 28, 2011

Elocution so divine

I have years and years of built up teenage angst buried deep within the crevices of my anger-ridden soul.
LOL just kidding!

But seriously.

Arguments are no fun.
I was just in one with my mum during dinner and things went rather sour. As a result, I have decided to keep low and not talk to her until tomorrow because it's scary. And her presence is like an ominous nebula; it will suck you in and spit you out all dismembered and sort of retarded-like.
Yes it will.
Believe me.
I don't likeee arguing with people.
But sometimes I feel as if I have to get what I need to say out there.
And this doesn't always agree with people and I digress now because I punched my papercut today and it really hurt. It split open again and started bleeding and I was like 'NOOOOOOOOOOO I'M DYINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!' Then I punched my fist into one of the shelves when I was restocking the drinks at work and I was like 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'M REEEE-DYINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG'

After I died, my shift finished and I spent an hour talking to Renee because I was waiting for her to start work again. She's really awesome, she is. And I'm happy I'm one of her friends (:
When she went back to work, I waited for Li-Ming and we hung out at Spotlight because she wanted to buy stuff to make. Li-Ming is also a definition of awesome. We both fell over and died in ice skating together. It was a joyous occasion.
Anyway. I die a lot of times.

Now back to the main topic of my post.
My mum doesn't trust me. She thinks that if she wasn't there, I'd go out and drink and party and club everyday till 5 in the morning. Shows how much she knows me, eh?
First thing's first.
I don't drink. And even if I do, on the rarest of all occasions, I'm not some stupid s-l-u-t who goes out looking for a good time. I have my morals, principles and values too, you know? 
I don't club either. I DON'T OKAY. Okay, so maybe I've gone like once.. and a half. Is Wah Wah Lounge clubbing? I don't know. G says it is. But I don't think it was. Hence the half. BACK TO MY POINT. Why do people think I go clubbing all the time? 
Particularly people I don't know. 
Do I look like I club? DO I, PUNK? .. oh fk. 
Maybe I do. 
I mean it's an interesting experience and all that but not my scene, thanks. I don't like going to bars either. They're not as entertaining as I'd like to think they are. I actually find bars boring.. but that's just me I guess.
Anyway, now that I have all that downpat, it's kind of clear that my mum doesn't know me as well as she'd like to think. 
What's ironic though is that they want me home all the time. But when I'm home; she's doing her own thing, my brothers are off on their laptops and I'm just home doing nothing. NOBODY TALKS TO ME DAMMIT LOL.
IF EVERYONE IS DOING THEIR OWN THING, why can't I go out and do my own thing; like chilling with friends? I like hanging out with my friends, and hopefully I can be forgiven for saying so but I like going out. I like my independence.
There's so much in this world that I haven't seen, experienced. Why stay home cooped up all the time?
To be honest, that's also why I applied for the exchange (*CROSS FINGERS THAT I GET NOMINATED*). I know that in doing so, I'll be leaving everyone I love here but I really want to get out there and try something new. 
I'm sorry for being so selfish, guys. I'm always thinking of what I want and how to get there myself. I don't like asking help from people unless I'm desperate. Roarh. It's an annoying aspect of my personality I guess.
I strive not to be contumacious too but my parents probably think otherwise.
I don't know.
I know my mum is just trying to protect me from the big bad parts of this world she's lived her whole life in, and I'm glad that she cares a lot about me. 
Sometimes, I think she's got to stop thinking that everyone in this world is out there to rape her only daughter and I don't know, just trust me more.
I'll stop.
Teenage angst haha
Well what's left of it anyway.
It'll be funny two years from now, when I'm all 'grown up' and 'matured', I'd look at this post and probably be like 'boy, was I so immature and childish back then.'

Asian parents.
You gotta love them and hate them all the same (: 
What a long post..

1 comment:

21minutes said...

we'll have an adventure one day : )