Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools?

what the heckkk is wrong with me? :/

I haven't been blogging properly for a while now, and partly it's because there isn't much I want to put down into writing. Nothing that's been worthy of writing about, but the other half of me knows it's really because I'm just too lazy to put what I want into words. So then I choose pictures and lyrics as a way of describing that day for me?
Anyway, I just came back from work about an hour ago and got told off by my boss for wearing the wrong uniform. I was supposed to wear a completely white shirt but since it was in the wash, I didn't have a second pair. So consequently, I opted for another white shirt, only it had some plain design stuff on the front, but hardly eye-worthy? I don't know. There was a big hoo hah at work and I was just thinking why it was such a big deal? I wear an apron over my shirt anyway, so you can't really see the design because it's mostly covered up anyway? But I guess, work is work and I don't want to get fired.
There's a new girl at work too :D And she's from Shanghai! 
I must say, Shanghainese kids are preeeee coooooooooool ;)
HAHA but yeah, other than that little incident at work, the rest of my shift was pretty fun (: 
The guys in the back are funny.. except for the head chef. He's just scary.. :/
But he looks like one of the cooks in my other work-place LOL THE RESEMBLANCE SEEMS SO CONNIVING.
Uni isn't so bad either but recently there's just been so much drama everywhere and it's just all so dramatic and I don't know what's going on anymore. 
I'd rather just step back and put in my earphones with my music turned uppp and ignoreee thee resstt of theee woorrrllddddd. WAAAITER. I'D LIKE A  BIT OF THAT BLITHE INSOUCIANCE THAAANK YOUUUUUUUUUU :D
If only it was that easy :/ but I guess, things need to be worked out and running away from problems isn't exactly going to end in denouement, right? :( 
I should heed the words of my friend and 'think of the bigger picture'
Currently smells like dogwee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must say, Shanghainese kids are preeeee coooooooooool ;)
